Our mission

Our activities bring a positive change to society

Our mission is to promote sport in groups of teenagers. Because sport is not only physical health, but also mental health. In the age of screen devices, sport is a recipe for a healthy society. Movement and sport, learning and building motivation during training, paying attention and constructive conversations – we give all this to our charges. We know how valuable this is, which is why we strive to ensure that more and more children from all over Poland play with us every year.

We meet the needs of children and young people by giving them our attention, support, knowledge and by showing them positive role models. We help them develop their sporting passions, teach them to be proactive, awaken their dreams and restore their self-confidence.

We are active and we have concrete results. The sporting successes of our charges are the best proof of this.

Take the first step and write to us

If you are interested in the activities of our Foundation, want to support us or collaborate on our projects, or maybe you are a parent who wants to enrol your child in a basketball camp – please write to us. We look forward to hearing from you.