Basketball camp 2020

In July 2020, the first edition of Ewelina Kobryn’s away basketball camp began. For the first time, the camp started in the form of a week-long camp and already had an international character. It was organised at the Olympic Preparation Centre “Kolna” in Kraków. The organisers’ assumption was that the training would involve children and youngsters from 9 to 19 years old. It was then that Ewelina Kobryn’s coaching team, the strongest in Poland, was built.


It is still made up of professionals from all over Poland and the world with the highest level of qualifications and experience. The week-long camp has opened the door for hundreds of children and young people to gain skills and accumulate knowledge. A week of training with some of the best coaches in the country equips our charges with knowledge that they draw on throughout the school year to become the best players in their school peer groups.

Take the first step and write to us

If you are interested in the activities of our Foundation, want to support us or collaborate on our projects, or maybe you are a parent who wants to enrol your child in a basketball camp – please write to us. We look forward to hearing from you.